I snapped a few shots of the old Järna before I left...They're all quite lame so they're miniaturized hahah... quite pretty tho :D
Sweden is the most beautiful from the air, methinks :D (because it means I'm traveling, and because I love traveling <3) style="">actually my bag had to be stowed in the overhead compartment and I was too lazy to get it...)
Well I've been a little jetlagged these few days (and semi-depressed because I miss u guys >w<~~) but things are coming along nicely.
I've basically done nothing for a while tho, except lazing around in my hotelroom and cleaning my face (seems like I so that nonstop nowadays)
Bought this funny skin-whitener in an experiment to see if I will become transparent if I get much paler XD
*linnea goes all commercial photography...ooooh right? ;D*
The view from the hotel is satisfactory though, right? ;D I wont be moving into the new apartment until on monday but I promise to take some shots of that too :D
And if you're not sick of my ugly snout yet, here's a ego snap I took just after landing XD Airplanes give me a cold D:
love you's <33
Etiketter: china, photos
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Welcome to LoliiKissu!!! ~~~<3
This is the blog where I share with you all my latest lolita discoveries and art. Give in to visual pleasure! ♥
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E x i t i n g
The Princess Code
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Picture: Marie Antoinette
Graphics © hazu
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