Only three weeks left now...(´Д`)
"When there's nothing left to burn you have to set yourself on fire"
Gotta keep going though only motivation these days is Mary Magdalene, Innocent World and Victorian maiden....and thats quite a lot...
Since I'm not skinny enough these days I've at least been able to check out some hats that I like... XD
![Mary Magdalene, Victorian Maiden, Mary magdalene](
They're just gorgeous...
Wish I could buy the corresponding dresses..
problem is teh sizes!! they're sick
Bust: 88cm
Waist: 66-69
Lower bust: 74
Shoulders: 34,5
I shoulders and my lower bust i.e my ribs cant get smaller than they are, and unfortunately my sicko shoulders are 36-something however weirdly I measure, and my ribs cant get smaller than 80-something.....SOB
I'll just have to do replicas...still...GO me
Current Lolita diet progress: -6.5 pounds
Current Lolita Money fund: 1600
Etiketter: diet, lolita, size
R a n d o m o u s
Welcome to LoliiKissu!!! ~~~<3
This is the blog where I share with you all my latest lolita discoveries and art. Give in to visual pleasure! ♥
S h o u t
E x i t i n g
The Princess Code
C r e d s
Picture: Marie Antoinette
Graphics © hazu
H i t s